Smudge Sticks & Blends

Smudge Sticks & Blends


      Cleansing, Purifying & Ceremony

      Smudging began in ancient cultures as a way to eliminate “bad spirits” or set the space for sacred ceremonies.

      Smudging is the burning of bundles of herbs, leaves, or wood such as sage or palo santo. You let the smoke from the bundle circulate the space, changing the energy of your house, spiritual area, or even your body. It can also alter the vibrational level and frequency of you and your surroundings.

      Cleansing Vs. Purifying

      Cleansing is getting rid of stagnant or negative energy. If you have a bad experience or want to clear the energy of a room, smudging the space with white sage, or cedar can get that energy out.

      Purifying is how you set intentions for energy. It’s an invitation for positive energy into your body or space. Burning palo santo, also known as holy wood, yerba santa, or holy herb, can help you begin a ceremony or invite something into your life. Other purification herbs include juniper, lavender, and Myrrh.

      10 products